Executive Committee Use Cases
- Entire population of Georgia’s children, age birth to five by demographics
- Unduplicated child counts of children being served and by which early care programs or combinations of programs
- Number of children who are being underserved or unserved but are eligible for services by focal populations

Head Start
Data Available
- Counties without Head Start
- Counties without Early Head Start
- Number of three-year-old children served in each county
Potential Data
- Number of children receiving more than one type of assistance in each county
- Number of families layering services
- Number of families with at least one member of the household unemployed and have children under five
- Relationship between unemployment rates and Head Start participation
- Relationship between housing and homelessness rates and Head Start participation
- Number of children with low birth weight that go on to participate in Head Start
Georgia Department of Public Health
Data Available
- Number of children with IFSPs that are attending general early care and education programs
- Percentage of children enrolled in Early Intervention served in general early care and education programs
- Comparison of children enrolled in Early Intervention with the overall population of children birth to age five in the state
- Demographic characteristics of children with IFSPs who are spending time in general early care and education settings
Potential Data
- Transitions from Part C to Part B
- Number of children that drop out between Part C and B
- Percentage of children with IFSPs that are spending time in quality rated early care and education settings
- Reading scores for children at age five who receive services from Georgia Home Visiting Programs-Healthy Families Georgia, Parents as Teachers, Nurse Family Partnership
- Reading scores for children at age five who haven’t received services from Georgia Home Visiting Programs-Healthy Families Georgia, Parents as Teachers, Nurse Family Partnership
Georgia Department of Education
Data Available
- Gaps in transition within programs
- Data used to better pair services
Potential Data
- Impact on later outcomes from participation in Special Education Preschool Services
- Student success measured by third grade assessment scores, behavioral data, and successful grade completion
- Relation of quality programming to future child outcomes
- Child outcomes related to tiered Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) components, wrap around services, and/or instructional supports/practices (specialized instruction, access to general curriculum

Division of Family Child Services (DFCS)
- Impact of the placement of children in foster care who received CAPS and observation or repeat of maltreatment
- Longitudinal outcome for children who navigate through the early childhood education system
- Impact of early education program connection on permanency
- Geographical location where Georgia’s Division of Family and Children Services were utilized